Pat Hatch's PhotoJournal

Three Owlets this Year, First Brancher

I can confirm that we have a brood of three this year!  The third one was hard to see until a few days ago and I still have not been able to get a photo of all three together.  It will come with a little patience.  Today for the first time one of the chicks was perched on top of the hollow.  Obviously they're getting well fed.  This guy is obviously the largest of the three, probably the first born.  It's a little early for them to be branching (usually they branch at 40 days), but I imagine things are getting really crowded in the nest so this is probably the reason they are branching early.  Stay tuned, I'll have some photos of all three together soon. (For a full-size giant image, click on the photo.)

Our First Brancher!

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